Motor vehicle accidents know no boundaries, but if you are involved in a collision outside your home province, ICBC regulations and your benefits might change. That is because each province – and country (if the accident happens in the U.S.) – has its own laws regarding auto insurance. If you were seriously injured in the … Continue reading “What Happens If You Get Into an Accident in Another Province?”
It might seem as if a deer lurks behind every tree. That perception is not far off, as British Columbia is home to approximately 250,000 coastal black-tailed deer, 190,000 mule deer, and 65,000 white-tailed deer. Each year, roughly four people die, and 380 people are hurt in deer and vehicle collisions. Whether or not ICBC … Continue reading “What Happens If I Hit a Deer?”
Following a motor vehicle accident, you want to seek medical attention immediately, whether that’s through your primary care physician or the nearest emergency room. However, when it comes to collecting compensation for your injuries through ICBC, you will be required to see a doctor of their choice. Defence Medical Examinations are warranted when you apply … Continue reading “Do I Have to See the Doctor the ICBC Chooses?”
Anyone injured in a car accident is likely to need some time off work. For many people, it is just a matter of a day or so, but those who are seriously hurt may lose considerable time off the job. The good news is that the ICBC does provide wage loss benefits after a motor … Continue reading “Can I Claim Lost Wages After a Car Accident?”
Yes, you are required to report accidents to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC). Automobile accidents are traumatic events that can lead to anxiety, sadness, confusion, anger, and uncertainty. This mixture of emotions can affect your judgement in the days that follow. When a serious accident with injuries has occurred, you could be whisked away from … Continue reading “Do You Have to Report an Accident to ICBC?”
The Insurance Company of British Columbia, or ICBC, is the crown-operated corporation that insures all registered vehicles. It can cover claims from a fender bender to a serious, life-changing injury. While these claims can result in monetary compensation for your injuries, there is no guarantee that they will succeed. This especially true if you try … Continue reading “How Long Do You Have to Make an ICBC Claim?”