Under the normal rules of the road, speeding and running a red light are the type of reckless acts that would make you liable for a car accident. There is a critical exception for emergency vehicles such as ambulances. Under B.C. law, the driver of an emergency vehicle may “exceed the speed limit” and “proceed … Continue reading “Who is Responsible for an Ambulance Accident?”
Although pedestrian accidents are by definition a mismatch–a 1,500-kilogram car versus a human being–that does not mean the motorist is automatically liable for any injuries sustained by the pedestrian. As with any personal injury claim, a court must consider the relative fault of all parties involved. A judge may, in fact, decide that the pedestrian … Continue reading “Is the Motorist Always Responsible for Pedestrian Accidents in B.C.?”
When you are involved in a car accident, you know you need to file a claim with your insurance company, which for most B.C. residents is ICBC. If your vehicle was damaged in the accident due to another party’s negligence, an ICBC-approved repair centre will assess the cost of the repairs. By law, ICBC is … Continue reading “When is ICBC Liable for an Unsatisfactory Repair Job?”
This sounds like a plot from a television comedy series: A car accident victim sues the negligent driver for damages. The victim said he suffered terr