An auto accident can significantly harm your long-term employment prospects. Whether you are currently employed or looking for work when your accident
In the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident in British Columbia, the individuals involved inevitably confront a series of questions: Was anyone injur
As we’ve discussed before, when you’re involved in a car accident in B.C., you may have as many as three distinct legal claims: a claim for Part 7
The winner of a law suit is typically entitled to the expenses (legal costs and disbursements) they incurred to prove their case. When an insurance
When you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, your first thoughts go to seeking medical treatment. But shortly thereafter, you may realize that yo
A motor vehicle accident can leave you with permanent physical, mental, and emotional injuries. This can affect every aspect of your daily life going
One of our outstanding lawyers, Almira Esmail was interviewed by FACEBC on being a leading female lawyer who is advancing justice. Click here to read